So here goes...
5 all time favorites:1 first time my kids smiled at me... can still remember first time for each one!
2 St Lucia
3 Skiing in Whistler, B.C.
4 Figure Skating
5 My DH playing guitar and singing any Police/Sting/Fictionplane song just for me
5 favorite movies1 Star Wars V: Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith
2 Blade Runner
3 Lord of the Rings, all of them
4 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (how could you not love it, with a title like that?)
5 When Harry met Sally
Baby names you love (but aren't planning on using):5 girl names: Evangeline*, Trinity, Yasmine, Kasia, Jacqueline
(*if we go for #5, then Evangeline will be her name!... don't worry, we are faaaaarrrrrrr from any decision on this)
5 boy names: Alexandre, Christopher Robin, Max, Jack, Wolfgang
5 songs you could listen to over and over:1 Somewhere out there (Our Lady Peace)
2 Drops of Jupiter (Train)
3 Killing in the name (Rage Against the Machine... yaaaaaaaa!)
4 Call me when your sober (Evanescence)
5 Go your own way (Fleetwood Mac... I was weened on it, me thinks!)
5 people who influenced your life in a positive way:1 Mr. Hunt (high school math teacher)
2 My children
3 My parents
4 my boss from '97-2001
5 Lance Armstrong
5 items that stay in your purse all the time:1 wallet
2 breath freshener/gum (habit left over from my quitting smoking days, about 9 yrs ago!)
3 lip balm
4 my security pass, even though I am off work right now!
5 kleenex (come on... I've got 4 kids, one is bound to have a runny nose!)
5 moments you knew things changed forever:1 Jacob's birth
2 September 5 2003
3 When I left home to go to University
4 August 9th 2003: the night that I was made to feel alive again that gave me courage to face Sept 5 03
5 Grandfather and Uncle passing, and Dad losing his "new" job... in the space of a few months
5 obsessions you have right now:1
Series of Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon (on 4 of 6)...
aye, d'ye ken a big Scot in a kilt... who can resist?!
2 99% Dark Chocolate with my decaf coffee
3 Working Out/Losing Weight (down 18 lbs and 14 inches!)
4 Summer Vacation (going to NB hopefully!) and Hockey Camps for boys
5 Straightening my hair every 5 days
5 places you would really like to go:1 Egypt
2 Away without the kids, to sleep as long as I possibly can!
3 Galapagos Islands
4 Russia
5 Africa
5 people you'd like to see do their tops 5's:1 My mom
2 Colette
Doris5 DH