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Monday, August 6, 2007

Ok... this is going to be a looooonnnnnggg wait for me!

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Not to take away from other's that have waited 2+ years for their referrals, I am going to talk just about my reaction to waiting for this LOA - its not a good one. When you have a couple of pictures in hands and you see that beautiful little face looking back at you... oh my, its impossible to just sit and wait!

I am literally climbing the walls. I can't concentrate on work, wondering if I should call the cleft clinic at Children's to book an appointment for December (even though Maria said we could have an appointment in a matter of a couple of weeks), wondering if I should call my speech therapist and put Kaitlynn on the waiting list (wait is 3-4 months now, but the Children's has their own speech therapist), looking at pictures of clefts to desensitize myself to what may be Kaitlynn's palate situation ( no idea how big the cleft is, just that the soft palate and the hard palate have a cleft, and perhaps a part of the gum line (alveolus)... but could something have been lost in translation? I would love a picture of her palate to get a better idea of what awaits, but its not going to happen.

Want to call the agency and find out if they have heard anything, anything at all (Karen hasn't and she doesn't expect to hear anything until our LOA arrives)... I have no idea how Karen waited over 200 days... I can't even get to 30 days (I'm only at 17 days right now)!

Man, oh, man... this is not good, not good at all.

It is lovely however to watch Julie and Elisa with their respective daughters presently in China! Leanne and Mary are on deck... just waiting for those TA's to come in. It shouldn't be called adoption, it should be called something like "The Wait" or "Managing the Wait" cause that is all we seem to do... wait.

1 comment:

Mary, Eric and Penelope said...

Waiting is just excrutiatingly painful, I know, wait for review, for referral, for LOA, for TA, for gotcha day, for first child, for second, whatever stage one is at, the wait is just agony! We got our TAs on Friday, now we're waiting for our departure date...some issues with getting flights, and things may be delayed by a week...Hang in there Steph, I just went through a couple of weeks of hell trying to finish up all work committments and I realize it was a very good distraction..today I'm home alone and can't think of anything else but just getting to China, it's been a weepy morning...oh well, nothing a few credit card swipes can't fix..I'm out the door!