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Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

Oh my, oh my... was I spoiled this year. My kids were all very well behaved, pleasant and just a joy to be around. DH took cake of them all, kept his voice down (no mean feat this!) and we had a great day - started by getting up and opening presents, then off to brunch to my favorite restaurant (where the lady in charge asked, "So any new additions to the family this time?"... to which I responded yet again, "Yes, we have our daughter now."... she was just dumb founded... guess we don't get out there enough!), then off to shopping at my favorite kid's toy store (Oink Oink) where the kids got to choose 1 toy and 1 book each (call me crazy, but I just love letting them go at it in this store.. they have the coolest stuff), then home and nap time and I got to go to the driving range for a whole hour by myself and hit some balls (I'm getting much better at it too - the by myself bit is the biggy, I'm usually bringing someone under the age of 3 along with me), then back home to stay with the younger ones while DH brought the two older boys to Tristan's hockey game (they lost again, but only 10-6 this time, and again Tristan was the star of the game), amazing bbq steak and my favorite cheese cake. Just an all around lovely day!

My virtual twins, showing their purchases:
Jacob with a big school bus and Kaitlynn with her purple butterfly necklace and matching bracelet.

All smiles!

Jacob all smiles also, with a barrette in his hair - its Mickey, so its all right - and his school bus.
Just look at those curls!

This was Tristan's gift which just left me speechless. He made this - he knitted and then hand sowed it together to make a pot holder (but he prefers to wear it as a hat). I could not believe that he did this for me, such detail work from one who just loves to go fast!

Zach's gift of tulips and his art work for Mother's Day. He is on an animal kick these days - he made my mother a painting of a cow and I got a beautiful bird, with his lovely choice of colors! His imagination is just lovely to behold!

Jacob's contribution was a keychain and beautiful card. The photo of him, as he so proudly told me, was of him playing doctor. I laughed out loud when he told me this - I wondered if this was a premonition for the future, then I wondered where the other kids were (isn't 3 awfully young to be playing doctor with other's?)

Once again I was left speechless by hubby on this one. He bought me my very own ice cream maker... but not just any ice cream maker... this one has it own compressor, so I can just put the ingredients in, turn it on and presto I have ice cream in under 1 hour! I have been looking for one for oh, I would say, 6 months, but not like this one! Gourmet ice cream anyone? Now, I just have to find my cream (one that has nothing but cream in it, no fillers and no junk), and look out coffee ice cream, here I come!

Finally, DH found me the perfect gift to cap off the day: Chewie's clan unleashed! I got Chewbacca unleashed a couple of Mother's Days ago, and now I have the whole battle scene! Does DH know me or what?


Anonymous said...

okay is that an invite for icecream LOL, can I have some of that beautiful blonde hair I am jealous, your little ones are so adorable

Leanne Franson said...

Oh, what an amazing day! Congratulations! I am just blown away by the thoughtfulness and gifts! The kids made such stunning stuff... I was blown away by that potholder! I can hardly wait, maybe someday I'll get handmade cards by my boy's hands! How precious. And wow, yeah, is that an invite for ice cream or what?! And where did you say you found this amazing husband? What? The prairies? Why ever did I leave?!! Congratulations on a wonderful day, and thanks so much for calling me when you were so busy.

Anonymous said...

You're family is so beautiful!

I was wondering if you wanted to be a part of a campaign I'm running to get free chocolate (I'm sure Kaitlynn etc., would love it!) if you're interested shoot me an email and I'll send you the information!

