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Sunday, January 20, 2008

I am going nuts... no really

going crazy

See, I've been saying to DH that we are done having kids, never going back to China, can't go through the culture shock again it was soooooo hard on me, no countries seem to be open to us for adoption, doing mixed-bank here is still very complicated (as you have to foster first with no guarantee of adopting). Been talking like this for the 2 months, 2 weeks that we have been back. Four kids is enough, right?

Well.... I am going nuts... no really, I am going nuts. You see, someone is in Nanjing right now adopting and I am just thrilled to bits for the family. I am so thrilled, I can taste the Nanjing air (believe me, not a pleasant taste), I can see Civil Affairs and what will happen, I can imagine going to the bakery around the corner and getting sticky buns and using sign language to order, I can imagine hunting high and low for shoes that befit a princess. I can remember the thrill of arriving and seeing Juliette our guide waiting for us in a sea of people, with her big bright smile. I want to go again... and adopt another girl or maybe a boy... oh man, I am going nuts... I have truly lost my mind. DH of course just nods his head, says uhuh, uhuh, among other things (we have a full life, I am sick of diapers - Jacob did a poop the size of his head this morning!). Going to go and lift some weights... maybe that will knock some sense into me!


brn2scrp said...

Hope those weights did knock some sense into you, girl ... although, following your heart the first time around brought joy to your life (making all the difficulties insignificant I'm sure). That being said, yeah, most people would probably label you nuts for wanting to go through all that again. Maybe it's just a passing thing ... like when I smell little babies and pinch their cheeks and look at their tiny fingers, I think I want another one. For about a millisecond. Because on second thought, I'm happy to wait 10-15 years for a grandchild. :oP

Leanne Franson said...