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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sickies and clutter... oh my!

We are all sick... its official as of today, we have all fallen. It started with Jacob and gastro, then it was Zach with his flu and coughing and fever, then DH got gastro and the flu (poor soul), then me who fought valiantly against the flu (had my flu shot!) but then the damn virus changed course and turned into a cold, then Kaitlynn with a runny nose ("sa fait mal Maman... quoi, cherrie?... mon nezzzzzzzzz!") and then today, poor Tristan got the fever. Now, I ask, how can this be... its still cold outside, there is still 4 feet of snow... where did these viruses come from? My nose is so raw, I cringe at the though of using a kleenex. I've been using a mix of Salinex and Hydrasense to "unplug", which works kind of well, cause I dislike the over the counter decongestants - they make me high or really low - anyhow, I believe that is why my nose is so raw too. Any home remedies out there to unplug some sinuses and get me back on my feet?


The flip side is I am so bored, not being able to get on my bike or lift weights (last time I was this sick, I didn't stop exercising... figured I could sweat it out... ended up with pneumonia and on asthma pumps for like a month... not going to do that again), that I have gotten another bug. Its all Oprah's fault really. I watched her two part show last week and it struck a cord in me, I can't tell you. It was about clutter, and this poor woman who has a serious, serious, serious obsession about accumulating stuff. It took them 8 weeks (that's 2 months!) to clean out there home with 100 people helping out. Now, I am not a hoarder by any means, but when we moved in here, I was just recovering from Jacob's birth and I basically just threw stuff wherever it would fit. Then you accumulate stuff, like magazines (my weakness) and you never get around to sifting through stuff. The office I think is the worse, with the accumulation of papers that you think are important (the Oprah hoarder's husband had kept 35 years of bills!), and I have been very slowly going through stuff. Its all organized into boxes and out of the overstuffed filing cabinet. Next step is to start shredding... but I got diverted and started attacking the main floor the other day. I have now cleaned out the main pantry, the liquor cabinet (hick!), the shelf above the microwave (which seemed to be the catch all place), the plastics shelf, and my magazines. I feel lighter all ready! I am also repeating to myself that I will have a garage sale this spring and sell all the baby stuff that is taking up room (except for the high chair, I think, since we still know of some babies that need it when they come over). Amazing what I can accomplish when I have three sick kids at home, I'm sick and can't do much else but sit on a stool and fill a garbage bag!

Stay tuned for my monthly update on my weight loss - the big weigh in is April 2nd!


Patricia said...

whatever bug it is, it got me last Friday, too. Hard. Can't keep a meal, high fever, respiratory problem and bad cough... I have no idea where I got that thing. Spent the weekend in bed. Gonna go see the doc tomorrow. All I needed: more sick leave from work! :o/

Anonymous said...

Okay the bug that struck your house must have made a stop at my house to, the joys of being a mom and all the kids getting sick at the same time,

Patricia said...

hey I can put a name on my bug: influenza! It's very popular this Winter, according to my doc.. Nothing to do but sleep it off. THAT I can do! :oD

Leanne Franson said...

Sorry to hear you were all so sick! How bout coming over to my place to sort clutter next time you are so ill you can't exercise? No! No! Stay away! You are NOT throwing anything out of my house! I only have about 17 years of paperwork saved so far... before that I think I was too broke to buy anything. Magazines? I think I have every Harper's since 1992 or somesuch... but I did give away the Canadian Geographics and the old Parent's. Hope you're better now! btw Kaitlynn is a tutu is adorable! And I love the pic of Jacob squinting in the sun! The LIGHT the LIGHT! Missed you at MNO last night.