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Monday, September 24, 2007

Chocolate factory x2

As promised, here are some more pics from the Z's bday party at Heyez Chocolaterie:

K, this is really interesting, but when can I eat some chocolate!

Mayan Chocolate God!

Don't you just want to put your mouth under
that stream of chocolate and
eat it all up!

Here are all the chocolate molds done!
Everyone walked out with a
beautiful mouse chocolate!
We had a wonderful time - the party started at 3:30 pm, and we got out at 5ish. We then went to our house for some burn-off-the-sugar time, ate some sandwiches and chips and decorated cupcakes and opened presents. We then sent everyone outside to play - we had such a great time that most people only left at 7:30 pm, when we thought it would be done by 6 pm. Parents showed up and stayed to talk and watch their kids play together. Even some neighbourhood kids came out and played with us. It was a whole lot of fun, and I think this goes down as a great success. The kids learned where chocolate comes from and they learned how to make a mold, and they got to eat as much chocolate as they wanted.
I highly, highly recommend Heyez for this type of activity: they are very well organized, the pace was just right for a bunch of 5 year olds, and the chocolate was devine. All the kids got to walk out with a beautiful chocolate mold that they made all on their own. Heyez is booked until December for this type of activity, so if you are planning on a party for next year, better start calling and reserve now (ask for Annie)!


4D said...

What a great birthday party! I want one just like that.

Keep smilin!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had an awesome time! I am so envious of the chocolate factory thing. I think I mentioned I developed a chocolate allergy about two years ago? I am a total chocoholic and haven't had any for two years, for fear of extreme migraines. I tell ya, those pictures had me salivating. What a fun experience for the kids.