DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker

Monday, September 17, 2007

Day 60, 11 am...

and its killing me... will we get a call today or not? I woke up thinking not, since usually packages arrive at our agency on Friday's after 12 noon (I think someone told me this) and they would have called us on Friday if something had come, I'm sure. If I can make it to 1 pm today without calling the agency (its taking all my self control), and if there is no call, I think its not going to happen today. Which is all fine... just want the day to be over with so that we know one way or another.

One good omen on Friday though: got the Tilley catalogue, entitled "Let the Journey of a Thousand Miles begin" or something like that....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed!!!