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Thursday, November 22, 2007

More random pics

Sorry folks, but I am too tired to post much but I will put up some photos to give you an idea of our little adventure. Kaitlynn is slowly settling in, loves her brothers to bits and vice versa, while I try to recover from jetlag that includes nausea from 7 am - 7 pm.. not a good scene for me right now.

A little boy who followed us along while we visited the Park in Beijing. He was quite the character!

Seniors keeping nimble - writing with sponges and water.

Seniors getting together for a jam session.

This flamboyant lady, dancing away to 50's hits made me think of my Mom - carefree and just giving to the groove.

A lovely final scene from the park in Beijing.

Arrival of Leanne and Tao Tao at the airport. We think that the Tao and the Princess look like brother and sister. The boys were all smitten.

Three monkeys hanging out at the airport, waiting for Maman and the K.


Anonymous said...

Yikes, nausea? That doesn't sound good. Sounds like you picked up a little nasty bug. Sure hope that gets out of your system soon. Yucky.

Take care of yourself.

Dawn, J.P. and Eva

Leanne Franson said...

Egads! twelve hours of nausea a day?! How horrid is that! Sure hope you feel better soon! And I can vouch for the love affair between your daughter and sons... it started already in the car when they had her in stitches! That's great you got a photo or three at the airport... thank god someone's camera worked! (mine is still acting up). I love the photos of the park in Beijing... the dancing and the writing. It would be wonderful if Montreal parks were so interactive! Thanks for posting even with your jetlag! Keep hanging in there, it WILL get MUCH better!!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there days will turn into weeks then before you know it you will have been home 1 month and feeling much better.You have just lived so many different emotions your little one is such an angel

brn2scrp said...

Thanks for posting these Stef. I'm sure you have many better things to do (including dealing with nausea - ugh - well wishes going your way), so i really appreciate you taking the time to share.

Anonymous said...

Mornin' guys,

Curiously, you'd choose that particular photo: when I was staying with the boyos for those 3 weeks, I was unable to check my "Rockin' 50s" message board.

By the time you came home, I was in the final stages of withdrawal.


Stefanie's mom