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Friday, November 16, 2007

Well this is it...

About to go for our last dinner in Beijing. Almost all packed, and so ready to head home. Not looking forward to the flight, but as its the only way to get her home to her brothers there is no point in complaining about it. I wanted to travel light, but its just not happening for me - I wanted one backpack, but now I have mine and her's full of the stuff that she absolutely needs on a 12+ hr flight.

I am very tired, very much ready to see all your faces and to get some news (I can't see my blog nor the comments left), and to breath in the crisp Montreal air again. Beijing has been interesting, and thanks to my guide she found just the right mix of things for us to do. We went to a park today and just walked around, listening to the birds singing, the older folk dancing away in the middle of the square, watched little kids run around with bums showing, and just got some sun onto our faces. It was a good way to put an end to this adventure. I believe this is the hardest thing I have done, after Jacob's birth, and while words swirl in my head at night when I sit in front of the computer nothing comes out. I will feel better once I am at home, so till then, hang tight everyone ... I'm sorry I can't write more, but I am just completely drained and need to get the little one some food and to bed.

From China, this is the S&K show signing off. Zaijian!


4D said...

Have a sage homecoming! Can not wait to see pics and to know that you are with all your family again.

Keep smilin!

brn2scrp said...

Have a safe trip back! Can't wait to hear you're back in Canada and can't wait to hear about K finally meeting her brothers. Hugs!

Leanne Franson said...

Well, you must be having your last Beijing lunch! On your way to the airport very soon! I hope you get some sleep on the flight home. Hope it all goes very well, and we look forward to seeing you and Kaitlynn in Montreal! Safe trip!

Leanne Franson said...

They're HOME!!!
Hope you had a safe trip from the airport and actually get enough sleep the next few days! It was great to see you tonight!