DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Thanks to Grammy Carol for the lovely Christmas gifts received, the kids just loved them:

Jacob checking out the 1st Christmas photo album.

Zach discovering the world of Narnia, in the form of a pop up book (that is the most beautiful pop up book I have ever seen!)

Tristan explaining what sound a mammoth makes.

Kaitlynn twirling around with her purple *yes, that's right... purple* too-too (how do you spell that anyways?)

One of the scenes from the Narnia book.

The Lion from Narnia.

The 1st Christmas photobook that Grammy Carol put together... just lovely, especially with the ladybug paper!

If you are wondering if the kids are all wearing the same t-shirt, they are. They got their gift from Uncle Mark, who works for Disney Animation Studio, and the t-shirts are from this studio (they have Mickey on it, which just made everyone's day).

It has come to my attention that people I didn't expect to be reading my blog have been... I am honored and touched that these people enjoy this glimpse into our lives. So I am going to make an effort to keep posting at least every two days... oh my, this looks and smells like a New Years resolution doesn't ? Damn, and I don't particular like resolutions..... Some days I run out of things to write, and other days I have so much to say that its hard to limit things to one post. I will try to find a happy medium by posting every other day.

I wish you all the best for the New Year. I am hoping for a quiet year, to be honest... what are you wishing for?


Patricia said...

Happy New Year to the whole family (don't forget Zorro now!), too. Stef, I believe the purple thingy (highly technical terms, as you know) is spelled tutu. At least it is so in French. :o)

All the best for the New Year.

4D said...

Happy 2008!

Keep smilin!

brn2scrp said...

Love the Narnia series, hope this beautiful pop-up book gives your boys (and K!) incentive to read this series when they are old enough. I second Patricia's comment - it's tutu. Happy New Year!!