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Friday, February 15, 2008

Coming together


I haven't dropped off the face of the earth yet, I'm still here. It has been another crazy week, most notably we got "The Call" for Kaitlynn's surgery. They offered us one of two dates: Feb 22 or Feb 26. Go ahead, go look at your calender... back yet... yup, that's right, next week! Oh, did I mention that DH is out of town all next week? No... guess when he gets back? Go ahead... I'm sure you can figure it out, seeing as everything we do seems to come to the same point in time, even though they are mutually exclusive events. Yup, Feb 22... at night. So forget Feb 22. We agreed to Feb 26, which unfortunately means that DH needs to take 3 full days off work to look after the kids, while I am at the hospital with the K. Oh, did I mention that DH only has 4 days of holiday left? And the week after K's surgery is spring break for the kids... me, 4 kids, alone... for one week... with one kid recovering from surgery. Niiiiiiiiiice.

The fun doesn't stop there. I realized that K's vaccination appointment was the 29th, so desperately call the ped's to move up the appointment to make sure she is properly vaccinated before she goes into the hospital. They gave me Feb 20th, at 8:45 am. Ok, I can do that, the school bus comes at 8:04, walk Tristan to school by 8:15, in the car and ... oh, shoot, forgot, I am alone... means Jacob has to come along for the fun. Oh, that's all right we'll manage just fine - we will just make sure he is in another room while his sister gets 4 different limbs punctured (we want to make sure that Jacob doesn't go after the doctor, don't we?). DH calls the hospital to find out about the pre-op appointment. When is it? Yup, you guessed it, Feb 20th at 10 am... only day they do pre-op appointments. All right then, get to Taschereau by 8:45 am, hopefully get out out no later than 9:30 am, and boot it downtown for 10 am (praying that the bridges are clear and that there is no snow storm that day). Did I mention I have Jacob along for the fun? Should just be a hoot!

So, back to my original question: why does everything have to happen all at the same time?


Anonymous said...

Oh dear! I hear from one mom that she lathers her kids up with, 'Emnal'(something like that) before blood work or vaccines. It's the cream they use on kiddies ears to freeze them when they get them pierced. Needs to go on an hour or so before the needle goes in. Sorry, don't know the whole routine or the proper name. Can anyone out there help out?


Anonymous said...

Oh me Oh my what a week let me know if you need anything at will be at the hospital on the 29 if you are still there I will pop in to see you

brn2scrp said...

You need to grow an extra head and an extra pair of arms. Maybe legs too. I will pray to the traffic gods for clear bridges and easy parking. On the bright side, it's great that you don't have to wait months for the medical attention she needs ... (always have to find a bright side otherwise going nuts is almost guaranteed). Bonne chance!

Leanne Franson said...

oh my.
Could you drop Jacob off here while you go do the vaccines and pre-op? And is it wise to get the vaccines right before the surgery? Doesn't it take a week or more for the immune system to "get sick" with them to build up immunity, ie exactly while she'd be in surgery? (Taotao's last shots, they told me he'd likely be sick, run a fever, a week after he got them). Anyways, if there is anything I can do, let me know. What a nightmare.

Patricia said...

I can watch Jacob, or drop him at daycare, if you want. I'm still off next week.